
Friday 23 November 2012

Journey With a Pram

Clapham Junction

Above I took this picture with 2 mothers travelling on the underground. Both ladies got on from Shepherds bush and there was no help to get the prams off or on the train. I helped one of the mothers and another person helped out the next one.

The pram was very heavy because the mothers was on their way home from a day of shopping at Westfield Mall. The only good thing about both stations was they had lifts to get up and down from the platforms.

I asked both females what would make there journey better and their answer was the same help with getting off and on the train.

Selhurst Station

I took this picture with a mother at the station travelling to Gatwick airport. I had to help her unto the train with her bags from selhurst cause she was travelling alone. what made her journey worse she had to change at East Croydon where I help her again to get off one train and on to another train to the airport. 

There are no porters at selhurst but there was some on every platform at East Croydon but did not attempt to offer their help. She thought this was very bad and they were lazy, it should be a part of their job instead of having to ask them. 

 Clapham Junction 

This is a picture I took at the station with a newly added lift with the last year are so. I asked one the porters on the platform about it and he said it was something that had to be done. He then went on to say it was too hard to get disable traveller from platform to another.

Thursday 8 November 2012

London Travel Map

London Overground Map

Above I have added the London overground map to show the stations that have access for disabled or mothers travelling with prams to exit or change to another platform.  

Images Source:

London Underground Map

I have also added the London underground map that shows the same thing as the overground. With the underground it went a bit further by adding a page which shows in more detail of who would be able to travel between stations. It even shows a symbol of a person or mothers travelling with a baby.  I also like the fact the they explained every symbol on the map.

Image Source:


Southern Rail Map 

The Southern rail map is the opposite of the two maps above. I would think it would be similar because its a lot more travelling to do in distance and time. I use this route a lot and many of the station don't have lifts  or any sort of help if someone needs help at the platforms. This is not a good thing suppose a mother is travelling and needs to change and don't know the station doesn't cater for disabled or prams she will struggle unless someone is kind enough to help them out. 

Image Source:

Wednesday 7 November 2012

RSA Interviews

The Good Journey Interviews

I have came up with 5 question so I can interview 2 selective person for my RSA project. The first interview will be carried out with a victim that travels by public transport on a daily bases and the other will be carried out on a staff at one of the train stations. 

Some of the question will be altered to interview each person to suit the needs of my project. 

1. How would you define a good journey?

Accessibility of the transport, on time departures, hassle free, reliable service, clean transportation, not over crowded, spacious, fresh air and seating available. 

2. What challenges do you face when travelling with a pram on the train?

There is only one carriage per train normally that has dedicated space for baby prams. On the door ways, I feel it is neither safe or practical for me to stand with a pram. Especially, during busy hours I feel I am looked at badly by other passengers. I also feel I am always on the way. The dedicated areas are often unclean and located next to toilet facilities which makes it very unhygienic. 

3. What challenges do you face on the station and the platforms?

Many stations still don't have lifts or ramps which makes it challenging travelling with a pram. I find myself often having to drag the pram up and down the stairs which is neither safe or enjoyable. I can't rely on station staff to help me carry the pram with me as I know some of them refuse. I also think the gap between the train and the platform is often dangerously wide. 

4. What would make your journey more enjoyable?

Improvement in accessibility, more room for prams and more seating for parents travelling with small children.

5. What changes would you like to see?

I would like to see every station to have a lift to and from platforms. I would also like to see old trains with high carriages disappear. It would be great to have more dedicated areas for parents with baby prams, maybe a dedicated carriage or a part of a carriage. At least they should move the dedicated area away from the toilets to make it more hygienic. 

Interview #2

This interview was carried out with one of the staff members at the Selhurst train station. 

1. What challenges do you face when having to assist someone travelling with a pram at the station?

I see a lot of mothers travelling with prams every day who struggle to make the stairs. It is a difficult situation as our training advices us not to help lifting buggies as it is not included in the health and safety. I personally help as I couldn't watch someone struggle an possibly putting themselves and the baby in danger. My main job is to assist passengers at the gates which means I might not be able to leave the area to assist someone on the stairs or platform. 

2. What are the main challenges parents travelling with prams face on platform and trains?

I think the main challenge at the stations is the lack of lift access. Parents have no choice but try to drag the pram up and down alone or wait for a kind fellow traveller to offer help. Big gaps between the train and the platform is also a big danger. Sometimes the gap is simply too big for a mother to get over without assistance. On the train the main  problem, I guess, is a lack of designated areas for parents travelling with prams. Especially during the rush hour the space can be very limited and cause raised eye brows amongst other commuters. 

3. How many prams would you say pass through the station when you are on your shift? 

Many, at least one comes through every 5 to 10 minutes. To give a daily estimate is impossible. 

4. What improvements would you say can be done to make travelling with a pram easier ?

In an ideal world it would be nice to see more lifts been built to stations. This would make it so much easier for travellers with special needs such as parents  travelling with babies and small children. I guess this would also make my job easier not having to face constant request for help. 

5. What help do you have available?  

None at the moment, sadly. For wheelchair users, we provide a service where they can ring up 24 hours in advance and advice us of their needs. However, this service doesn't apply to parents with buggies. I guess it should but maybe the demand would be too high and impossible to meet. During the London Olympics a lot of stations saw improvements take place, especially in the areas where there was the largest visitor concentration. However, Selhurst station wasn't one of them and as far as I know there is no plans to build lifts or travelators to this station. 

Image Source:

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Business Mood board

Mood Board

Above is my idea of a business surrounding and how I would want my company to be. I added  the beach for a tranquil feel cause sometimes this can make designing more easy and less stressful within the work place. 

There are few other things I have included like the world and Skype because I would like to be more than just a local company and Skype is a device that can make communicating a lot easier to talk and show work to potential clients around the world.

Image source: 

Business Names

Company Names:

Here is the names I have came up with for my company.
  1. IS Graphics
  2. IS Design
  3. Island Style Graphics
  4. Island Style Design
  5. Kman Graphics
  6. CT Design
  7. CTV Design
  8. CT Graphics
  9. Fios Visual Design = fvd
  10. Fios Design 
  11. Fios Media 
  12. Rising Graphics  
The names I have selected:  

1. CT Graphics 
2. CTV Design 
3. Fios Visual design 
4. Fios Media.

Image source.

Storage for Bikes at the station

Journey with a Bike

I travelled between East Croydon and Three Bridges last week and I came across this area where there was hundreds of bikes stored. 

I think this was a good thing and every station should have a set up like this so people would not have to worry about where to leave their bikes before or after travelling on a train to work or for a day out.

Mind Mapping Pt 3

Brain Storming / Mapping

Here is the 3rd mind map I have done in the class with 2  of my classmates to help with my idea I had to get to the next level with my project.

I will be doing my project on a good journey for a person travelling with a pram. We looked into what would make their experience more enjoyable. 

Thursday 1 November 2012

Mood board RSA

Mood board Part 2

This is my first mood board. On it I have a few pictures with some images that came to mind after brainstorming for my RSA Good Journey project. 

There is not much space when a mother are family travel on public transport like a train for long journeys for any kinda of privacy. I think there should be a special carriage on the train just for mothers instead of a 1st class one. This would make thing much easier for the kid and mom to enjoy the journey peaceful.